Russell Krueger
Consultant – Monetary and Financial Statistics; Financial Stability; Monetary Unions
40 years’ experience in macroeconomic statistics with the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Government. Available for consultation on compilation or methodology work on monetary and financial statistics, financial soundness indicators, macroprudential statistics (including for Islamic Financial Institutions), and monetary union statistical systems. Extensive teaching experience in these fields, and with numerous published articles in these fields.
1998 – 2011 Senior Economist, Statistics Department
International Monetary Fund
Dealt with methodology and teaching related to monetary and financial sector issues. Major responsibilities included statistics related to European Monetary Union and other monetary unions being developed; financial soundness indicators (FSIs); Coordinator of IMF/BIS Seminar on Real Estate Indicators and Financial Stability; Research into financial innovations and Islamic Financial Institutions; and Analysis of changes in accounting and bank supervisory standards. Frequent lecturer in monetary and financial statistics and financial soundness at IMF training courses for central bank statisticians and supervisors in Washington, Europe, the Gulf, China, Singapore, Africa, and the Caribbean.
Nov. 2007 – 2011 Research on development of monetary unions
Carried out research at the European Central Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute (Tokyo) on the creation of the European Monetary Union and regional financial integration programs in Asia. Co-organizer of the first international conference of planned unions at the European Central Bank in January 2009. Undertook missions to the Gulf and East Africa related to building statistical systems for currency unions. In 2009, co-authored IMF Working Paper 09/184 on econometric methodologies to calculate conversion rates from national currencies to new monetary union currencies. A major study on these issues (600+ pages) is in preparation.
September 2009 – 2011 Statistical Advisor to the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)
Statistical advisor to the IFSB on its program (funded by Asian Development Bank) to compile Prudential and Structural Indicators for Islamic Financial Institutions (PSIFIs). Advised on the IFSB data collection program, conducted technical training sessions in Malaysia and the Gulf, and undertook research on innovations in Basel supervisory standards and Islamic finance. Developed and presented materials for a week-long module on PSIFIs at an IMF training course in Abu Dhabi in 2011.
1993 – 1998 Consultant, Statistics Department
International Monetary Fund
Prepared the first draft of Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual. During this period, undertook specific research on international currency flows, financial derivatives, and development of statistical systems for the European Monetary Union.
1989 – 1993 Economist, Flow of Funds Section
Research and Statistics Division
U.S. Federal Reserve Board
Compiled balance sheets, Flow of Funds Accounts, with emphasis on banks, external sector, and financial innovations and periodically prepared the “Green Book”, the main FRB internal policy document covering 5-year projections of the U.S. financial sector.
1971 – 1989 Balance of Payments Division
Special Studies, Branch Chief
Bureau of Economic Analysis
U.S. Department of Commerce
Worked in multiple areas including direct investment statistics, merchandise trade statistics, and ultimately as Chief of the Special Studies Branch analyzing trends in U.S. international transactions and investigating special methodology problems. Prepared regular analyses of U.S. international transactions that were published in the Survey of Current Business.